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Elementary school introduces children to the basics of mathematics. It may be the first time many of them are learning in a large group setting. For some, being in this kind of setting can be rather distracting. Distracted students tend not to pay close attention to their teacher, which leads to their lagging behind the rest of the class. Online elementary math classes give your child the opportunity to learn and practice all the necessary concepts taught in school, at home, in the comfort of their own home.


Topics Covered in Elementary School Mathematics

Your child learns the basic building blocks of mathematics in elementary school. First and foremost, they learn numbers as well as instant recall, which will help prepare them for higher grades. They learn place value, which will prepare them for algebra. Along with numbers, whole number operations are taught, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As children progress through elementary school math, they learn decimals and fractions. Eventually they are taught problem solving, starting with single step moving up to multi-step problems, which helps students learn critical thinking.


ELearn Elementary Mathematics

Elearning for kids provides your child with the ability to learn elementary school math without the distraction of other students around. After an initial assessment, a customized lesson plan is designed specifically for your child, offering them a learning program in a way they can understand. They are given tutorials and practice problems. Your child can click on incorrect answers and see where they went wrong. He or she also has access to the top online math tutors. These tutors are available 24/7 and there is no need to schedule an appointment. Your child can work with the tutor for twenty minutes or an hour and twenty minutes. The two share files and a virtual whiteboard, so they always see the same thing at the same time. The tutor can also explain the subject in a way that your child may understand better. And you, as the parent, have the ability to monitor everything your child learns, keep track of progress and speak with the tutors as well.

Young students may get easily distracted by everything in a classroom. Sometimes they have trouble understanding or keeping up with new concepts. ELearning english gives your child the chance to further learn in their own home, at a pace that is comfortable for them with access to help whenever they need it.