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According to Malcolm Knowles, who is one of the pioneer scholars in education, adult learning has six components. Adult learning is self-directed and autonomous, they utilize knowledge and life experience, they are goal-oriented, learning is relevancy-oriented, education highlights practicality, and it encourages collaboration.

It is highly important that online adult learners are intimately involved with goal setting and have the reins on when and how they educate themselves. Adults generally like to apply what they learn to past experience and make choices based on what they have gone through historically. It has to be knowledge that is practical and has uses in their lives, and collaborating with fellow students is key to truly grasp a concept.

So how does online eLearning incorporate these elements? Let’s look closer at what this method employs.

How ELearning Suits Adults

ELearning for adults usually consists of online schooling at a university or institution to learn valuable skills for their current or future careers. It is particularly suited for adults because online learning is very much self-directed and can be done on your own time and around your own busy schedule. It’s a style of learning that respects the adult’s independence and allows for autonomy.

ELearning is also very collaborative and involves teamwork with online classmates. This kind of teamwork in solving practical issues and using past experience as a guide is integral to successful completion of a course.

ELearning versus Traditional Learning

The best aspect of eLearning is the ability to work at your own pace and on your own time. In this sense in particular, online classes work exceptionally well for adults with full and busy lives. It is a great option for those that already have a career and families, and places high value on integrating your experiences with a practical skillset that could further your prospects.