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Latest Results:

KS1 – Year 2 Mathematics

1 Initial Assessment Initial Assessment

2 N

Number and place value
The number 10

3 N

Number and place value
Numbers 11 to 20

4 N

Number and place value
Using place value to order numbers up to 20

5 N

Number and place value
The numbers 20 to 99

6 N

Number and place value
Counting by 1, 2, 5, and 10 to 100

7 N

Addition and subtraction
Simple addition up to the number 10

8 N

Addition and subtraction
Simple addition up to the number 20

9 N

Addition and subtraction
Addition to 99

10 N

Number and place value
Subtraction up to the number 10

11 N

Number and place value
Subtraction by Comparison

12 N

Number and place value
Subtraction up to the number 20 and beyond

13 N

Addition and subtraction
Subtraction up to the number 99

14 N

Multiplication and division
Multiplication using equal groups

15 N

Multiplication and division
Multiplication using repeated addition

16 N

Multiplication and division
The multiplication sign

17 N

Multiplication and division
Multiples of 10 up to 100

18 N

Multiplication and division
Multiplication – important facts.

19 N

Multiplication and division
Strategies for division

20 N

Using fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 to describe part of a who…

21 N

Using fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 to describe parts of a gr…

22 M

Problem solving
Compare length by using informal units of measurement

23 M

Problem solving
Using the metre as a formal unit to measure perimeter

24 M

Problem solving
Using the formal unit of the centimetre to measure leng…

25 M

Introducing the concept of mass

26 M

Estimate, measure and compare the capacity of container…

27 M


28 M

O’clock and half past using digital time

29 M

O’clock and half past on the analogue clock

30 M

Quarter past and quarter to

31 M

Describing position.

32 G

3D shapes
Recognise and name prisms according to spatial properti…

33 G

3D shapes
Recognise and name pyramids according to spatial proper…

34 S

Pie charts

35 S

Pie charts
Bar Charts

36 End of Course Assessment End of Course Assessment