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Scotland National 4 Mathematics

1 Initial Assessment Initial Assessment
2 Multiplication and division Multiplication by 2 and 3 digits
3 Multiplication and division Multiplying 2-digit numbers by multiple of 10
4 Multiplication and division Multiplying 3 and 4-digit numbers by multiples of 100
5 Multiplication and division Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
6 Multiplication and division Multiplying 4-digit numbers by 3-digit numbers
7 Multiplication and division Multiplying 4-digit numbers by 4-digit number
8 Decimals Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
9 Multiplication and division Repeated subtraction with divisors greater than 20 with…
10 Multiplication and division Repeated subtraction with divisors less than 35 with so…
11 Multiplication and division Repeated subtraction with divisors less than 55 with di…
12 Multiplication and division Repeated subtraction with divisors greater than 50 with…
13 Multiplication and division Using divide, multiply and subtraction in the bring dow…
14 Decimals Dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
15 Bidmas Using Order of Operation procedures (BIDMAS) with Fract…
16 Simplifying Directed numbers: addition and subtraction.
17 Simplifying Directed numbers: multiplication and division.
18 Decimals Adding decimals to two decimal places
19 Decimals Subtracting decimals to two decimal places
20 Decimals Using decimals – shopping problems
21 Decimals Rounding decimals
22 Decimals Decimals to three decimal places
23 Decimals Adding decimals with a different number of decimal plac…
24 Decimals Subtracting decimals with a different number of places
25 Decimals Multiplying decimals by whole numbers
26 Decimals Multiplication of decimals by decimals to two decimal p…
27 Decimals Dividing decimal fractions by whole numbers
28 Decimals Dividing numbers by a decimal fraction
29 Fractions Comparing and ordering fractions
30 Fractions mixed numbers (mixed numerals)
31 Fractions Improper fractions
32 Fractions Finding equivalent fractions
33 Fractions Multiplying and dividing to obtain equivalent fractions
34 Fractions Reducing fractions to lowest equivalent form
35 Fractions Comparing and ordering fractions greater than (>) 1
36 Fractions Subtracting fractions from whole numbers
37 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denomina…
38 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with different denomin…
39 Fractions Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
40 Fractions Fractions of whole numbers
41 Fractions Multiplying fractions
42 Fractions Multiplying mixed numbers (mixed numerals)
43 Fractions Finding reciprocals of fractions and mixed numbers (mix…
44 Fractions Dividing fractions
45 Fractions Dividing mixed numbers (mixed numerals)
46 Problem solving Problems with numbers.
47 Problem solving Problems involving money
48 Multiplication and division Multiples and factors of whole numbers
49 Multiples and factors Highest common factor.
50 Multiples and factors Factors by grouping.
51 Percentages Calculating Percentages and Fractions of Quantities
52 Percentages Introduction to percentages, including relating common …
53 Percentages Changing fractions and decimals to percentages using te…
54 Percentages Changing percentages to fractions and decimals
55 Percentages One quantity as a percentage of another
56 Indices Adding indices when multiplying terms with the same bas…
57 Indices Subtracting indices when dividing terms with the same b…
58 Indices Multiplying indices when raising a power to a power
59 Indices Multiplying indices when raising to more than one term
60 Indices Terms raised to the power of zero
61 Time 24 hour time
62 Time Time zones
63 Problem solving Read and calculate distances on a map using the formal …
64 Coordinates Describing position.
65 Coordinates Mapping and grid references
66 Coordinates Main and intermediate compass points
67 Problem solving Using the metre as a formal unit to measure perimeter
68 Problem solving Using the formal unit of the centimetre to measure leng…
69 Problem solving Compare and convert formal units of measurement
70 Mass The kilogram
71 Mass The gram and net mass
72 Mass The tonne – converting units and problems
73 Capacity Converting between volume and capacity using millilitre…
74 Capacity Using the cubic cm and displacement to measure volume a…
75 Capacity The relationship between the common units of capacity, …
76 Capacity Converting between volume and capacity using kilolitres…
77 Capacity Estimate, measure and compare the capacity of container…
78 Problem solving Introducing the rules for finding the area of a rectang…
79 Problem solving Finding the area of a triangle and other composite shap…
80 Problem solving Larger areas: square metre, hectare, square kilometre.
81 Problem solving Comparing and ordering areas.
82 Problem solving Area of a trapezium.
83 Problem solving Area of a rhombus.
84 Problem solving Area of a circle.
85 Volume Introduction to volume. using the cubic centimetre as a…
86 Volume Using the cubic centimetre to measure volume.
87 Volume Introducing the formula for volume.
88 Volume Using the cubic metre to measure volume.
89 Volume Solving Problems about Volume – Part 1.
90 Volume Solving Problems about Volume – Part 2.
91 Volume Finding the volume of prisms
92 Surface area Surface area of a cube/rectangular prism.
93 Surface area Surface area of a triangular/trapezoidal prism.
94 Problem solving Problems with length.
95 Problem solving Problems with mass.
96 Problem solving Problems with area.
97 Problem solving Problems with volume/capacity.
98 Triangles Using the prefix to determine polygons
99 3D shapes Recognise and name prisms according to spatial properti…
100 3D shapes Recognise and name pyramids according to spatial proper…
101 3D shapes Recognise nets for prisms, pyramids, cubes and cones
102 3D shapes Viewing 3-D shapes.
103 3D shapes Constructing models.
104 Angles Measure and classify angles
105 Angles Measuring angles
106 Angles Adjacent angles
107 Angles Complementary and supplementary angles
108 Angles Vertically opposite angles
109 Angles Angles at a Point.
110 Angles Parallel Lines.
111 Angles Additional questions involving parallel lines
112 Angles Angle sum of a triangle
113 Angles To determine angle labelling rules, naming angles accor…
114 Angles Exterior angle theorem
115 Angles More difficult exercises involving parallel lines
116 Angles Angles of regular polygons
117 Angles Complementary angle results.
118 Angles Bearings – the compass.
119 Construction Geometric constructions
120 Construction To identify collinear points, coplanar lines and points…
121 Construction Angle bisector construction and its properties (Stage 2…
122 Construction Circumcentre and incentre (Stage 2)
123 Construction Orthocentre and centroids (Stage 2)
124 Construction Constructions and loci – single condition
125 Construction Constructions and loci – multiple conditions
126 Triangles Recognise and name triangles
127 Similar shapes Similar triangles
128 Similar shapes Using similar triangles to calculate lengths
129 Triangles Congruent triangles, Test 1 and 2
130 Triangles Congruent triangles, Test 3 and 4
131 Triangles Spatial properties of quadrilaterals
132 Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals
133 Quadrilaterals Classifying Quadrilaterals
134 Quadrilaterals Using the Properties of a Parallelogram
135 Quadrilaterals Proving a Shape is a Parallelogram
136 Quadrilaterals Properties of the Rectangle, Square and Rhombus
137 Quadrilaterals Properties of the Trapezium and Kite
138 Quadrilaterals The quadrilateral family and coordinate methods in geom…
139 Transformations Use grids to enlarge/reduce 2D shapes
140 Transformations Special transformations – reflections, rotations and en…
141 Transformations Transformations – reflections
142 Transformations Geometry transformations without matrices: reflection (…
143 Transformations Geometry transformations without matrices: translation …
144 Transformations Geometry transformations without matrices: rotation (St…
145 Transformations Geometry transformations without matrices: dilation or …
146 Transformations The definition and concept of combined transformations …
147 Pythagoras Find the hypotenuse
148 Pythagoras Pythagorean triples
149 Pythagoras Find the hypotenuse Part 2
150 Pythagoras Calculating a leg of a right-angled triangle
151 Trigonometry Trigonometric ratios.
152 Trigonometry Using the calculator.
153 Trigonometry Using the trigonometric ratios to find unknown length. …
154 Trigonometry Using the trigonometric ratios to find unknown length. …
155 Trigonometry Using the trigonometric ratios to find unknown length. …
156 Trigonometry Unknown in the denominator. [Case 4].
157 Series and sequences General sequences.
158 Series and sequences Finding Tn given Sn.
159 Simplifying Algebraic expressions.
160 Simplifying Simplifying algebraic expressions: adding like terms.
161 Simplifying Simplifying algebraic Expressions: subtracting like ter…
162 Simplifying Simplifying Algebraic expressions: combining addition a…
163 Simplifying Simplifying algebraic expressions: multiplication
164 Simplifying Simplifying algebraic expressions: division
165 Simplifying Expanding algebraic expressions: multiplication
166 Simplifying Expanding algebraic expressions: negative multiplier
167 Simplifying Expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions
168 Simplifying Simplifying algebraic fractions using the index laws.
169 Equations Solving equations containing addition and subtraction
170 Equations Solving equations containing multiplication and divisio…
171 Equations Solving two step equations
172 Equations Solving equations containing binomial expressions
173 Equations Equations involving grouping symbols.
174 Factorising Expansions leading to the difference of two squares
175 Factorising Common factor and the difference of two squares
176 Factorising Factorising quadratic trinomials [monic] – Case 2.
177 Factorising Factorising quadratic trinomials [monic] – Case 3.
178 Factorising Factorising quadratic trinomials [monic] – Case 4.
179 Simplifying Substitution into algebraic expressions.
180 Formulae Equations resulting from substitution into formulae.
181 Formulae Changing the subject of the formula.
182 Inequalities Solving Inequalities.
183 Inequalities Inequalities on the number plane.
184 Scatter diagrams The range.
185 Probability The mode
186 Probability The mean
187 Probability The median
188 Probability Calculating the median from a frequency distribution
189 Averages Calculating mean, mode and median from grouped data
190 Pie charts Bar Charts
191 Pie charts Line graphs.
192 Pie charts Pictographs
193 Pie charts Pie and bar graphs.
194 Scatter diagrams Scatter Diagrams
195 Scatter diagrams Stem and Leaf Plots along with Box and Whisker Plots
196 Scatter diagrams Frequency distribution table
197 Scatter diagrams Relative frequency
198 Probability Probability of Simple Events
199 Probability Rolling a pair of dice
200 Probability Experimental probability
201 Probability Tree diagrams – not depending on previous outcomes
202 Probability Tree diagrams – depending on previous outcomes
203 End of Course Assessment End of Course Assessment