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Scotland Level 1: P2 Mathematics

1 Initial Assessment Initial Assessment
2 Number and place value Zero and counting numbers 1 to 9
3 Number and place value The number 10
4 Number and place value Numbers 11 to 20
5 Number and place value Using place value to order numbers up to 20
6 Number and place value The numbers 20 to 99
7 Number and place value Counting by 1, 2, 5, and 10 to 100
8 Addition and subtraction Simple addition up to the number 10
9 Addition and subtraction Simple addition up to the number 20
10 Number and place value Subtraction up to the number 10
11 Number and place value Subtraction by Comparison
12 Number and place value Subtraction up to the number 20 and beyond
13 Multiplication and division Multiplication using equal groups
14 Multiplication and division Multiplication using repeated addition
15 Fractions Using fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 to describe part of a who…
16 Problem solving Compare length by using informal units of measurement
17 Time Months and seasons of the year
18 Time Days of the week
19 Time Duration
20 Time O’clock and half past using digital time
21 Time O’clock and half past on the analogue clock
22 Coordinates Describing position.
23 End of Course Assessment End of Course Assessment