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Unit 1DMAT – Yr11 (Opt 5) Yr12 (Opt 3-4) Mathematics

1 Self Assessment Self Assessment – Unit 1DMAT – Yr11 (Opt 5) Yr12 (Opt 3-4)
Objective: Assessment
2 Decimals Rounding decimals
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to round a number with one or two decimal places to the nearest whole number.
3 Rules properties Using Order of Operation procedures (BIDMAS) with Fractions
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will know how to apply the order of operations rules to simplify expressions with integers and fractions.
4 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
5 Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to add and subtract fractions where one denominator is a multiple of the other.
6 Fractions Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to multiply simple fractions by whole numbers.
7 Fractions Multiplying fractions
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to multiply fractions and reduce the answer to its lowest form.
8 Fractions Dividing fractions
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to divide fractions.
9 Decimals Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to add decimal numbers with different numbers of decimal places.
10 Decimals Subtracting decimals with a different number of places
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to subtract decimals with different numbers of decimal places.
11 Decimals Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to multiply decimal numbers by one hundred and recognise the pattern formed when decimals are multiplied by ten, one hundred and one thousand.
12 Decimals Multiplying decimals by whole numbers
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to multiply decimals by whole numbers.
13 Decimals Multiplication of decimals by decimals to two decimal places
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to multiply decimals to two digits.
14 Decimals Dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to divide decimal numbers by one hundred and recognise the pattern formed when decimals are divided by ten, one hundred and one thousand.
15 Decimals Dividing decimal fractions by whole numbers
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to divide decimal fractions by whole numbers.
16 Percentages Changing fractions and decimals to percentages using tenths and hundredths
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to change simple fractions to percentages and decimals to percentages by using place value conversion.
17 Percentages Changing percentages to fractions and decimals
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to change percentages to fractions and know how to change percentages to decimals.
18 Percentages One quantity as a percentage of another
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to find a percentage of an amount and how to express one quantity as a percentage of another.
19 Algebraic expressions Directed numbers: addition and subtraction.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to add and subtract positive and negative numbers in any combination, and understand adding and subtracting positive and negative pronumerals.
20 Algebraic expressions Algebraic expressions.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand some of the short cuts used in writing algebraic expressions, and the student will be able to write algebraic expressions down in a way that is easier to understand.
21 Algebraic expressions Substitution into algebraic expressions.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to replace pronumerals with numbers, and then perform the correct operations.
22 Algebraic expressions Simplifying algebraic expressions: adding like terms.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to simplify and evaluate numerical expressions containing patterns, and be able to simplify algebraic expressions that contain like terms.
23 Algebraic expressions Simplifying algebraic Expressions: subtracting like terms.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to recognise the difference between like and unlike terms, and be able to simplify an expression using subtraction.
24 Algebraic expressions Simplifying Algebraic expressions: combining addition and subtraction.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand how to approach algebraic expressions questions and avoid the most common mistakes.
25 Algebraic expressions Simplifying algebraic expressions: multiplication
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to simplify expressions involving multiplication of pronumerals and write them in the simplest form.
26 Algebraic expressions Simplifying algebraic expressions: division
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use all the operations needed for simplifying algebraic expressions.
27 Algebraic expressions Expanding algebraic expressions: multiplication
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able mentally to multiply and remove parentheses from simple algebraic expressions in one step.
28 Algebraic expressions Expanding algebraic expressions: negative multiplier
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to expand expressions using a negative multiplier.
29 Algebraic expressions Expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be familiar with expanding and simplifying algebraic expressions.
30 Algebraic equations Solving equations containing addition and subtraction
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand how solve simple equations involving addition and subtraction by moving everything but the pronumeral onto one side of the equation, leaving the pronumeral by itself on the other side.
31 Algebraic equations Solving equations containing multiplication and division
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to solve simple equations involving all operations.
32 Algebraic equations Solving two step equations
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to solve two step equations.
33 Uniform motion Average speed
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to convert units for speed, distance and time.
34 Area Area of a circle.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able calculate the area of a circle, and also calculate the radius and diameter of a circle.
35 Pythagoras Find the hypotenuse
Objective: On completion of this lesson the student will be able to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to calculate the length of the hypotenuse.
36 Pythagoras Find the hypotenuse Part 2
Objective: On completion of this lesson the student will be able to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to calculate the length of the hypotenuse using decimals and surds.
37 Pythagoras Calculating a leg of a right-angled triangle
Objective: On completion of this lesson the student will be able to use Pythagoras’ Theorem to calculate the length of one of the shorter sides of a right triangle.
38 Lines and angles Mapping and grid references
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to identify specific places on a map and use regions on a grid to locate objects or places.
39 Lines and angles Main and intermediate compass points
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use main and intermediate compass points to specify location.
40 Lines and angles Informal coordinate system
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use an informal coordinate system to specify location, and locate coordinate points on grid paper.
41 Tessellating 2-D shapes Use grids to enlarge/reduce 2D shapes
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use grids to enlarge or reduce two dimensional shapes and also to recognise shapes that will and won’t tessellate.
42 3-D shapes Viewing 3-D shapes.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use conventional representations of three-dimensional shapes to show depth etc when drawing or viewing shapes from various angles.
43 Transformations Special transformations – reflections, rotations and enlargements.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to perform transformations: to rotate, reflect and change the size of various shapes and or points where applicable.
44 Statistics Frequency distribution table
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct a frequency distribution table for raw data and interpret the table.
45 Statistics Frequency histograms and polygons
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct and interpret frequency histograms and polygons.
46 Statistics Relative frequency
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to collect, display and make judgements about data.
47 Statistics The range.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the range of data in either raw form or in a frequency distribution table.
48 Statistic-probability The mode
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand how to find the mode from raw data, a frequency distribution table and polygon.
49 Statistic-probability The mean
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to calculate means from raw data and from a frequency table using an fx column.
50 Statistic-probability The median
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the median of a set of raw scores
51 Data Bar Charts
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in column graphs.
52 Data Line graphs.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in line graphs.
53 Data Pie and bar graphs.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in pie and bar graphs.
54 Exam Exam – Unit 1DMAT – Yr11 (Opt 5) Yr12 (Opt 3-4)
Objective: Exam