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Year 8 Literacy

1 Conjunctions – Sentences Conjunctions – Sentences
Objective: To use conjunctions to increase the variety of sentence structure in written expression.
2 Sentence Improvement Sentence Improvement
Objective: To construct expressive sentences by using adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses.
3 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Objective: To identify and use transitive and intransitive verbs.
4 Case – Nouns and Pronouns Case – Nouns, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Objective: To identify the case of nouns and pronouns.
5 Variety of Expression Sentence Construction
Objective: To construct expressive and precise sentences to improve meaning.
6 Punctuation Punctuation – Various
Objective: To use hyphens, dashes, apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses and brackets correctly.
7 Colons and Semi-Colons Colons and Semi-Colons
Objective: To use colons and semi-colons correctly.
8 Punctuation Punctuation – Various
Objective: To use hyphens, dashes, apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses and brackets correctly.
9 Commas 2 Commas 2
Objective: To use commas: to separate places, to separate clauses within sentences, and when using direct speech.
10 Punctuation Skills Part b Quotation Marks
Objective: To use quotation marks for direct speech.
11 Phrases Phrases
Objective: To identify and use phrases including adjectival and adverbial phrases.
12 Clauses Clauses
Objective: To identify and use clauses including adjectival, adverbial and noun clauses.
13 Sentence Improvement Sentence Improvement
Objective: To construct expressive sentences by using adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses.
14 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
Objective: To identify and use transitive and intransitive verbs.
15 Case – Nouns and Pronouns Case – Nouns, Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives
Objective: To identify the case of nouns and pronouns.
16 Variety of Expression Sentence Construction
Objective: To construct expressive and precise sentences to improve meaning.
17 Verbs – Active and Passive voice Verbs – Active and Passive voice
Objective: To identify and use active and passive voice.
18 Review of Figures of Speech Review of Figures of Speech
Objective: To identify multiple uses of figures of speech within writing.
19 Advanced Dictionary Use Advanced Dictionary Use
Objective: To use dictionaries by identifying all the information provided. To use a thesaurus.
20 Plurals Plurals 1 – simple
Objective: To form plurals (more than one) by adding ‘s’ and ‘es’ correctly.
21 Plurals Plurals 2 – special rules
Objective: To form plurals with special rules: words ending in ‘y’ and ‘f’.
22 Plurals Plurals 3 – Unusual
Objective: To create unusual plurals: for words ending in ‘o’; by changing the vowels or by adding letters.
23 Plurals Plurals 4 – Unusual
Objective: To use nouns whose singular and plural forms are the same. To use compound noun plurals.
24 Plurals of Foreign Nouns Plurals 5 – Foreign
Objective: To form plurals of foreign nouns.
25 Spelling Skills Spelling
Objective: To correctly spell words after adding suffixes: ‘ing’, ‘ed’, ‘er’, ‘est’.
26 Prefixes Prefixes
Objective: The identify and use prefixes.
27 Suffixes Suffixes
Objective: The identify and use suffixes.
28 Sentence Improvement Sentence Improvement
Objective: To construct expressive sentences by using adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses.
29 Variety of Expression Sentence Construction
Objective: To construct expressive and precise sentences to improve meaning.
30 Similes and Metaphors Similes and Metaphors
Objective: To identify and use similes and metaphors.
31 Figurative Language Symbolism and Personification
Objective: To identify, and make use of, symbolism and personification.
32 Figurative Language Onomatopoeia, Assonance and Alliteration
Objective: To identify, and make use of, onomatopoeia, assonance, and alliteration.
33 Review of Figures of Speech Review of Figures of Speech
Objective: To identify multiple uses of figures of speech within writing.
34 Advanced Dictionary Use Advanced Dictionary Use
Objective: To use dictionaries by identifying all the information provided. To use a thesaurus.
35 Antonyms and Synonyms Antonyms and Synonyms
Objective: To identify and use antonyms and synonyms.
36 Essay Writing 2 Essay Writing 2
Objective: To develop and write essays.
37 Verbs Verbs – Tense
Objective: To identify and use the correct tense of verbs: past, present and future.
38 Conjunctions – Sentences Conjunctions – Sentences
Objective: To use conjunctions to increase the variety of sentence structure in written expression.