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SA Year 12 Applied 8: Statistics and Working with Data Mathematics

1 Study Plan Study plan – Year 12 Applied 8: Statistics and Working with Data
Objective: On completion of the course formative assessment a tailored study plan is created identifying the lessons requiring revision.
2 Percentages Changing percentages to fractions and decimals
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to change percentages to fractions and know how to change percentages to decimals.
3 Percentages One quantity as a percentage of another
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to find a percentage of an amount and how to express one quantity as a percentage of another.
4 Lines and angles Mapping and grid references
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to identify specific places on a map and use regions on a grid to locate objects or places.
5 Lines and angles Informal coordinate system
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use an informal coordinate system to specify location, and locate coordinate points on grid paper.
6 Data Pictograms
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in picture graphs.
7 Data Bar Charts
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in column graphs.
8 Data Line graphs.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in line graphs.
9 Data Pie and bar graphs.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to organise, read and summarise information in pie and bar graphs.
10 Statistics Frequency distribution table
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct a frequency distribution table for raw data and interpret the table.
11 Statistics Frequency histograms and polygons
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct and interpret frequency histograms and polygons.
12 Statistics Relative frequency
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to collect, display and make judgements about data.
13 Statistics The range.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the range of data in either raw form or in a frequency distribution table.
14 Statistic-probability The mode
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand how to find the mode from raw data, a frequency distribution table and polygon.
15 Statistic-probability The mean
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to calculate means from raw data and from a frequency table using an fx column.
16 Statistic-probability The median
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the median of a set of raw scores
17 Statistic-probability Cumulative frequency
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct cumulative frequency columns, histograms and polygons.
18 Statistic-probability Calculating the median from a frequency distribution
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the median from a cumulative frequency polygon.
19 Statistics – grouped data Calculating mean, mode and median from grouped data
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be capable of identifying class centres, get frequency counts and determine the mean and mode values.
20 Statistics using a calculator Statistics and the student calculator
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be capable of using a scientific calculator in statistics mode to calculate answers to statistical problems.
21 Statistics – Range and dispersion Range as a measure of dispersion
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to determine the range and using it in decision making.
22 Statistics – Spread Measures of spread
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to find the standard deviation, using a data set or a frequency distribution table and calculator.
23 Statistics – Standard deviation Standard deviation applications
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to use standard deviation as a measure of deviation from a mean.
24 Statistics – Interquartile range Measures of spread: the interquartile range
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to find the upper and lower quartiles and the interquartile range
25 Statistics Stem and Leaf Plots along with Box and Whisker Plots
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be familiar with vocabulary for statistics including quartiles, mode, median, range and the representation of this information on a Box and Whisker Plot.
26 Statistics Scatter Diagrams
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to construct scatter plots and draw conclusions from these.
27 Coordinate Geometry-gradient Gradient
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to calculate the gradient of a line given its inclination, or angle to the positive direction of the x-axis; or its rise and run.
28 Coordinate Geometry-gradient Gradient formula.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to calculate the gradient of a line given any two points on the line and also be capable of checking whether 3 or more points lie on the same line and what an unknown point will make to parallel lines.
29 Coordinate Geometry-straight line The straight line.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to draw a line which is parallel to either axis and comment on its gradient, where that gradient exists.
30 Coordinate Geometry-equation of line General form of a line and the x and y Intercepts.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to change the equation of a straight line from the form, written as y=mx+c, into the general form and vice versa.
31 Coordinate Geometry-intercept Slope intercept form of a line.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to find the slope and intercept given the equation and given the slope and intercept, derive the equation.
32 Coordinate Geometry-point slope Point slope form of a line
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will understand how to derive the equation of a straight line given the gradient and a point on the line.
33 Co-ordinate Geometry-Two point formula Two point formula: equation of a line which joins a pair of points.
Objective: On completion of the lesson the student will be able to calculate the equation of a line given any two named points on the line.
34 Exam Exam – Year 12 Applied 8: Statistics and Working with Data
Objective: Exam